Sabine Eggers
As head of the LAB, my main interest is the interaction between evolutionary, genetic and biocultural factors associated with health in past and modern human societies. Until my post-doc I worked on themes such as chronobiology, demographic history, genetic counselling and ethics as well as paleopathology CV.
Juliana Gómez Mejía
As a graduate from Anthropology (2005), with a specialization in Forensic Anthropology (2006) I obtained my MSc in Anthropology from the Universidade Nacional de Colômbia (2011). I have worked as a forensic anthropologist, have analyzed hundreds of human’s remains (including Paracas mummies) and taught Biological Anthropology. Currently, I am finishing my PhD dissertation at the LAB.
Luis Pezo-Lanfranco
Born in the Peruvian Andes I graduated in odontology and archaeology at the Universidade Nacional de San Marcos (Peru) and obtained my MSc and PhD at the LAB. Currently, I am working as a post-doc on the reconstruction of diets of ancient populations who lived at the Atlantic and pacific coasts of South America.
Cecília Petronilho
I came to the LAB as a Biology undergraduate at Universidade de São Paulo. My MSc focused on the way of life of people exhumed from a cemetery shellmound in Southern Brazil. I worked as a Biologist and Science teacher and currently, besides being responsible for the LABs paperwork, I work mainly on our educational projects.
José Filippini
Born in São Paulo, I studied medicine at the “Universitas Carolina Pragensis” in Prag. Apart form being a hospital director I got my MSc and PhD in Bioarchaeology at USP, focusing first on biodistance studies and then on infectious diseases in ancient shellmound peoples from Brazil.
I excavated at coastal and riverine shellmounds in Brazil (on archaeological projects run by the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, MAE USP), as well as at a Celtic site in Austria (run by the VIAS – Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science).
Alena Mayo Iñiguez
I am a researcher at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, where I also developed my MSc and PhD in the area of Parasite Biology. My main interest is the study of infectious parasitic diseases of ancient populations, in Paleoparasitoly, Paleogenetics and Paleoepidemiology, Integrative Taxonomy, Phylogenetics and the Evolution of parasites.
André Carlo Colonese
I am a postdoctoral research associate at the Department of Archaeology of the University of York (UK). My research involves archaeozoological and stable light isotope analysis for environmental and dietary reconstructions. I am interested in human-environment interactions and my research has primarily focused on eastern South American, the Mediterranean and NW Europe.
André Strauss
As a social scientist and geologist I earned my MSc at the Instituto de Biociências da USP (2010). Currently, I am a PhD candidate at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. My main interests are ancient funerary rituals and human microevolution. I am a visiting lecturer at Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen in Germany, with a scholarship from the Konrad Lorenz Institute in Austria.
In Brazil, I am associated to the Laboratório de Estudos Evolutivos Humanos and the LAB, both from the Biosciences Institute at USP. My main research interests are Human Evolution, Funerary Archaeology, Craniometry, Geoarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology. I coordinate a project on the mortuary rituals from Lapa dos Santos and Bioarchaeology of Serra da Capivara, both in Brazil. Recently I worked as a forensic scientist dealing with the identification of individuals missed during the Brazilian Dictatorship.
I got my MSc and PhD on microvestiges retrieved from dental calculus for paleodietary reconstruction of shellmound dwellers at the same institution (advisors were Sabine Eggers –LAB, and Rita Scheel-Ybert -Laboratório de Paleoecologia Vegetal – Museu Nacional do RJ). Field experience include excavations at coastal and riverine shellmounds in Brazil (organized by the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology USP), a Celtic site in Austria (coordinated by Wolfgang Neubauer from VIAS – Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science), a 6 months stay with Prof Karl Reinhard of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and a 6 months stay at the Plant Foods and Hominin Dietary Ecology Group (run by Amanda Henry from the Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany). Currently, I am finishing my post-doc at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
My main research interests are: starch, phytoliths, shellmounds, prehistory, Archaeobotany and Bioarchaeology.
More information at:
Fernando Lucas de Melo
I studied biology at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (2002), where I also earned my MSc degree. My PhD focused on molecular and experimental evolution of microorganisms. Currently, I am a visiting professor at the Biology Institute of the University of Brasilia.
Mercedes Okumura
I graduated in biology at Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, where I also earned my MSc and PhD in Biological Antrhopology (craniometry). I worked as a researcher and curator at the Department of Biological Anthropology at the University of Cambridge (2006-2010) and engaged in a post-doctorate at the Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da USP (2011-2014).
Rita Scheel-Ybert
I am a biologist, and earned my MSc in botany at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1993) and my PhD in Anthracology/Archaeology at Université Montpellier II in France (1998). As a professor at the Department of Anthropology (Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) I am currently in charge of the coordination of the post-grad studies in Archaeology.
Rodrigo Elias Oliveira
As a dentist I earned my MSc in odeontology at University of São Paulo. My PhD on oral pathology in ancient humans from central Brazil I developed at the LEEH (Laboratório de Estudos Evolutivos Humanos - IB/USP). My main interest is Bioarchaeology and osseous and dental paleopathologies. I collaborate with the LAB on microremains of the archaeological sites Lagoa Santa and Buritizeiro, Brazil.